

The Castle Chapel

Cullahill Castle was the principal stronghold of the MacGillapatricks of Upper Ossary. This church, which stands about 100 metres to the west of the castle, is known as 'The Castle Chapel'. It was used as a private church by the Catholic Lords of Upper Ossary. The late 16th century has remained roofless since Cromwellian forces attacked the castle. All the walls, of the approximately 20 metre long, undivided church, appear to be standing to full height. Corbel stones jutting out from the walls at the west end of the structure, supported a gallery. There was a two light window in the east gable and a single ogee-headed window high in the west gable. There are the remains of two windows and a doorway in the south wall. The nicest features are, the arched piscina pictured left, at the east end of the south wall and the slight batter in the exterior walls.

Looking east to the chancel, with Cullahill Castle in the background

Situated: From Durrow in County Laois, head south on the R639 for about 6 kilometres. In Cullahill turn left onto the L1576. Then take a the right turn down a track just before the castle.

Discovery Map 60: S 3544 7404. Last visit April 2019.

Longitude: 7° 28' 27" W

Latitude: 52° 48' 59" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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